Agenda 9/5, 2011 2,8 mkr kvar för SWELL. * Rekvirering av medel från BTH till övriga noder - 50 KSEK per doktorand 2011 skall rekvireras av resp nod. * Markus till USA vintern 2011/2012? Budget: Resor, boende, traktamente, bil: Emelie: 256 kSEK (inkl familj) Markus: 195 kSEK (två resor) Per: 208 kSEK (delfinansiering) Summa 659 kSEK * Danijel och Andrei till Sverige? - SWELL betalar endast direkta SWELL aktiviteter (SWELL kurs och SWELL dagarna) * Nya doktorander: Bogdan Marculescu and Nauman Ghazi Nauman: Search-based software engineering (SBSE) is a relatively new and upcoming field - even though it has its background in artificial intelligence and metaheuristic techniques. The purpose of SBSE is to apply these types of techniques in a software engineering setting in order to help companies and engineers to deliver the right software, with the right quality on the right time. SBSE is in particular suitable for problems which contain non-linear relationships and a large amount of data, and can be applied to both process and product areas. At the moment very few empirical studies in industry, with an SBSE focus, have been conducted and we believe that there currently is a need to perform such studies and help industry examine the suitability of these techniques for their day-to-day activities. The general focus of the project is to do empirical research focusing on data generation for high level testing in industry settings. In particular this research will examine the applicability of using metaheuristic techniques for this purpose. The thesis will make use of a number of research methodologies, e.g., case studies, surveys, or experiments, and have a quantitative focus with additional qualitative elements when needed. Bogdan: Although seen as the final stage of software development, Verification and Validation is and ongoing process that is influenced by all the decisions taken during the course of a project. The large number of decisions that have to be taken open an enormous potential solution space that software engineers have to handle. All these decisions have a significant impact on the product in general, and on Verification and Validation in particular. A complete Verification and Validation approach would try to check as many of these decisions as possible, as early in the process as it can be done. The quality of decision-making could also be improved by providing software engineers with tools that enable them to quickly and efficiently explore the solution space. Applying Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) in the context of a project-long, ongoing process of Verification and Validation can address the high complexity of the task above. Research description: The purpose of this project is to study the SBSE approach to Verification and Validation in an industrial context and help industry examine the suitability of this approach for their activities. In particular, the focus will be on the applicability of interactive ways for engineers to guide metaheuristic techniques. * ICST betalas av SWELL! * SWELL dagarna i MdH och Daniel tar huvudansvar. * Schema * Kursdag torsdag 6e oktober * Industry day fredag 7e oktober * Lokaler * ArosCongressCenter ( * Lokal för 135 pers bokad * Fika, lunch, fika båda dagarna * ~375 kr per pers inkl. lokal * Videofilming preliminärbokad på fredagen * Frågor * Anmälan - doktorander? - Daniel skickar ut mail till alla noder * Hotellrum och restaurang - 1 eller 2 kvällar/nätter? * Lämpliga talare? - Daniel skickar förslag * Informationsspridning * Kursstatus för doktorander? Pågående och kommande kurs? - Resp. nod äskar finansiering för 10% arbetstid från SWELL.